Flower is a young cat in rough shape. When she was brought in to Alley Cat Advocates she suffered from ulcerations to her underside around her vulva. From what we can see, Flower suffers from what is often called Manx Syndrome. The same gene that caused her to be tailless also has negatively impacted her spinal cord. This has caused her to have issues with bladder and bowel incontinence along with an abnormal gait. The ulcerated tissue was likely caused be urine and stool being constantly present on her skin. Treatment for Flower will include keeping her clean and dry and helping the wounds heal. She will likely need extra care for the rest of her life, so Flower is one of the few cats that will remain at the Community Cat Complex awaiting an adopter able to help her with her special needs. You can sponsor Flower’s ongoing care by setting up a monthly donation here.