Caretakers can make great volunteers at Alley Cat Advocates. Melissa Tindle is a caretaker of a cat colony in Charlestown, IN. After she got help to TNR all of the cats in her colony she wanted to help other caretakers do the same. Melissa loves working with the caretakers at Caretaker “Caturday” when they pick up traps and paperwork and at Check-In. Melissa says she knows the stress of taking care of a colony of community cats and how important TNR is for those cats and caretakers. Melissa is great at encouraging caretakers and letting them know that they are not alone.
In addition to caring for a colony of cats, Melissa is mom to 5 kids, 3 dogs and a bossy rabbit named Jeanie. Melissa works at Weatherall Company in Charlestown and somehow manages to squeeze in time for camping, hiking, fishing and spending time with her family.