ACA News

ACA News2023-03-31T23:00:28-04:00

No More Battle Scars for Jimbo

This is Jimbo. Jimbo looks a bit worse for wear. It isn't unusual to see unneutered male cats sporting battle scars from fighting. Fortunately, his old wounds have healed and now that he has been neutered he shouldn't pick up too many new ones. Unfortunately, his mouth is another story. [...]

Anniversary Month Celebration with Matching Gifts

Alley Cat Advocates is celebrating 22 years of life saving work this month. Also, this month marks one year of providing these services all under one roof at the Community Cat Complex. To celebrate this amazing milestone, all gifts made to Alley Cat Advocates in the month of February will [...]

Alley Cat Advocates Receives $55,000 ASPCA Relief & Recovery Grant

Alley Cat Advocates has received grants totaling $55,000 from the  American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) as part of their initiative to provide funds to those animal welfare organizations severely impacted by the COVD-19 crisis.  The funding received will fund low and no cost spay/neuter surgeries for [...]

Volunteer Spotlight: Lori Marshall

Lori Marshall enjoys serving her community through the great work we do at Alley Cat Advocates. As an Alley Cat Advocates volunteer, Lori has connected with community members and caretakers. Her upbeat personality is perfect for greeting visitors and answering questions or concerns. Lori finds real satisfaction in seeing all [...]

2020: A Year in Review

In 2020 3,677 cats were spayed or neutered at the Community Cat Complex. That is definitely something to celebrate. We moved into the Community Cat Complex in February and did no spay or neuters in January 2020. Then a global pandemic caused shut downs, staff furloughs and an abbreviated surgery [...]

Help Community Cats with Kroger Community Rewards

If you shop at Kroger please consider supporting Alley Cat Advocates through their community rewards program. All you have to do, is visit, and select Alley Cat Advocates (QL501). Then every time you shop and use your card, Kroger donates to Alley Cat Advocates. The last quarter shows that [...]

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