Volunteer Spotlight: Jeanette Brown
Jeanette Brown has been volunteering at Alley Cat Advocates for around 8 months. Jeanette jumped in and began trying out lots of volunteer jobs until she found her favorites. Learn more here: Website Link: We always say that we have a volunteer opportunity for anyone that wants to help. Jeanette [...]
Alley Cat Advocates Record Breaking Week
The official numbers are in and the week of July 12 - 16 was a record breaking week. We spayed or neutered 194 cats in just 3 days of surgery that week. That is the most cats that we have ever been able to help in a one week time [...]
Spalding Needs Our Help
Spalding is taking some time to relax at the Community Cat Complex. He is another cat the desperately needs dental surgery to remove broken and painful teeth.Please donate to help us make sure that Spalding receives the Gold Standard of Care. We estimate that it will cost between $300 to [...]
Humane News Summer 2021 Edition
Check out the latest newsletter highlighting our awesome work here. Learn about one cat family's visit to the Community Cat Complex. This edition also features a special story from Orange Crush about his experiences with Nice Lady, New Person and Alley Cat Advocates and Metro Animal Services. AC104200_KYAC2_NEWSLETTER_FA_webreadyDownload
Celebrate “Make-A-Will” Month
Have you considered creating a legacy gift to support the Alley Cat Advocates? Legacy gifts in your will or other estate plan are powerful ways to support the humane treatment of unowned cats for generations to come, and cost nothing to give today.To make it easier to create your legacy, [...]
2022 Cat Calendar Photo Contest Begins TODAY!
It begins TODAY! The Alley Cat Advocates 2022 Cat Calendar Photo Contest is underway! Enter the Contest Submit your cat's photo to pounce on one of the 13 top spots and win great prize packages. Get started at http://www.gogophotocontest.com/alleycatadvocates. Grand Prize "Calendar Cover Cat" Winner (1) Grand Prize!!! The photo [...]