Taco has been avoiding being trapped for a long time. His caretaker has been feeding him and a few others for years. Taco’s mates were all trapped, spayed or neutered and then returned home, but Taco was having none of it.

For the last few months, Taco has been sporting a wound that has gotten progressively worse and he has drawn the attention of most of the neighborhood. With the wound looking nastier and nastier, the efforts to trap Taco were intensified.

After teamwork in the community and a persistent caretaker who pulled out every trick in the book, Taco has made it to the Community Cat Complex. He is now neutered and being treated for his wound. Taco isn’t exactly happy about his current situation, but we know that he will return home much happier and healthier in the long run.

You can help support Taco’s recovery by donating to his care today!