Precious is a beautiful and sweet girl that now lives permanently at the Community Cat Complex.
When she was brought in with the rest of her colony for spay/neuter her jaw looked like there may be a mass. Further investigating ended with a diagnosis of patellar fracture and dental anomaly syndrome (pads). This condition is extremely rare and its cause is unknown. PADS is also called Teeth and Knees Syndrome, as they usually have double the number of teeth in their mouth (their baby teeth don’t fall out) and their knees commonly break with little effort. There is no known treatment for PADS except management of symptoms.
Precious is currently doing great and is very happy hanging out with her friends in our Color Me Special suite and Nigel’s Catio. Vet staff regularly monitor her condition and we are prepared to offer treatment and care when it is needed. She is a happy girl and we believe that she deserves the best life we can give her.
If you believe the same and want to help, you can donate today toward the long term care of Precious.