Do you know what to do if you find a sick or injured community cat in Jefferson county? Many people aren’t aware that Louisville Metro Animal Services (LMAS) provides care for sick or injured community cats. And Alley Cat Advocates is happy to step up to help when Metro Animal Services asks. A good Samaritan recently brought to Metro Animal Services a community cat who had been hit by a passing car. The impact was mostly centered on the left side of his face and his injuries appeared to be severe. On this Sunday, as is typical, there were no veterinarians at the shelter, but the employees recognized that this cat needed emergency care if he was going to have a chance at survival. The cat, now called Biscuits, was transferred that same Sunday to a 24hr emergency veterinary hospital. Doctors there stabilized him and assessed his injuries. Biscuits suffered a broken jaw. The only way to save his jaw and his life was to perform surgery to reset the bones and wire them into place. The wires would make it very difficult for Biscuits to eat, so at the same time, a feeding tube was placed to allow Biscuits to receive nutrition during the recovery period. Again, LMAS employees were faced with another challenge. A cat with a feeding tube needs to be fed through that tube 3 times daily. There are also frequent bandage changes and cleaning of the site that need to be done as well. Metro Animal Services reached out to Alley Cat Advocates to ask for support. Fortunately, Alley Cat Advocates was able to take Biscuits as a foster and offer him the regular care that he needs. This freed up staff at LMAS to continue to focus on the dogs that continue to fill the shelter. We are beyond proud to partner with an organization who agrees that every life is worth saving. Biscuits isn’t just a stray cat, but instead is a Community Cat who deserves care as part of our community. P.S. Biscuits is doing GREAT and is milking the attention he is getting for all its worth! |