They started calling him Norris, as in tough guy Chuck Norris. Norris’ day began badly with this accident. But, he met many good Samaritans on Thursday … Michelle and her husband, his friends at Alley Cat Advocates, and the BluePearl Veterinary Partners team. The vet at BluePearl sedated, examined and x-rayed Norris. She discovered his jaw was dislocated, so they put it back into place. His wounds were cleaned, and he had some air in his chest but that is expected to dissipate on its own. Norris was sedated for the x-rays and received a thorough exam.
Norris is being treated and observed. Once he is stable, he will stay in foster care with us until he fully recovers and is neutered.
Norris met so many good Samaritans yesterday … Mychell and her husband, the team at Blue Pearl, and Alley Cat Advocates.